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Philanthropy Day of Action - Charitable Act Engagement Toolkit

September 2023

United Philanthropy Forum’s Charitable Act Engagement Toolkit is designed to assist member-PSOs with the promotion of the Philanthropy Day of Action and to guide PSOs and their members’ advocacy efforts on October 4th in support of the Charitable Act.

Congressional Recess Guide 2023

August 2023

United Philanthropy Forum's 2023 Congressional Recess Guide contains information for PSOs and their member advocates to make the most out of the Congressional recess period, including ideas for engaging members of Congress, meeting tips, talking points on key policy issues, and more. 

House Ways and Means DAF Dear Colleage Letter - March 2022

April 2022

On March 7, a bi-partisan group of 11 members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means signed a letter regarding donor-advised funds. In a "Dear Colleague" letter to their fellow lawmakers, the members express concerns about proposals that would restrict DAFs, as well as private foundations, such as the ACE Act, S. 1981/H.R. 6595.

COVID-19 DAF Letter to Congress

April 2020

Letter from a group of members of the Charitable Giving Coalition, including the Forum, asking Congress to include DAFs in relief legislation.

California DAF Legislation

January 2020

Earlier this month, the Forum submitted a letter to the California General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee in opposition to Assembly Bill 1712. This bill would require the Attorney General to develop reporting regulations related to donor-advised funds (DAFs) at an account-by-account level, departing from the current practice, already in place. The fund-by-fund disclosure required by the bill would likely lead to the disclosure of donor identify and/or private donor information.

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