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Join The Forum

Since United Philanthropy Forum opened our membership to national philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) in 2017, we have grown from 33 regional PSOs to nearly 100 regional and national PSOs. Our network represents more than 7,000 foundations and other funders, making the Forum the largest network serving philanthropy in America.

The Forum is a network of regional and national PSOs working to strengthen, advance, inform and educate the philanthropic sector. Forum membership is open to membership associations, networks and other types of organizations that focus on a specific geographic region, funding issue(s), population group, philanthropic practice, and/or type of funder.

Forum membership is open to philanthropy infrastructure organizations that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Primary mission is to serve, strengthen and advance the field of philanthropy.
  • Nonprofit organization, a supporting organization or a project of a nonprofit organization.
  • Staffed by at least one part-time paid professional.
  • Have a defined organizational, financial and governance structure.
  • Willing and able to commit time to Forum activities and to respond to requests for information from Forum staff and colleagues.

Examples of organizations that qualify for Forum membership are:

  • Regional philanthropy membership associations and organizations.
  • National identity-based philanthropy affinity groups, membership associations and organizations.
  • Regional and national issue-based philanthropy affinity groups, membership associations and organizations.
  • National practice-based affinity groups, philanthropy membership associations and organizations.
  • Regional and national philanthropy membership associations and organizations focused on a single type of funder.

Examples of organizations that do not qualify for Forum membership are:

  • Government agencies.
  • For-profit and nonprofit consulting firms and advisory groups.
  • Academic centers of philanthropy.
  • Regional and national funder collaboratives.
  • Foundations, corporate funders and other types of philanthropies/grantmaking organizations

How to Join

Ways to Apply

*Your annual membership investment is calculated based on your your organization's annual expenses for the most recently completed fiscal year. You can remove expenses related to the following: 

  • fiscal sponsorships
  • loan funds and pass-through funds
  • funder collaboratives
  • expenses for nonprofit services
  • expenses for consulting practices (if your PSO has a consulting practice in house)
  • self-funded reserves

Please contact with any questions or to formally apply for membership.

Dues Calculator

Additional Dues Information

Your membership investment is for January through December of each calendar year, with membership renewed at the start of each calendar year. For new members, membership investments are prorated for the first year based on the month joined. (For example, an organization joining in April would pay 9/12 of its full membership investment for the first year).

We also offer new members who join in November or December complimentary membership until the end of the current year and your membership will continue through December of the following year. (An organization joining in November 2024 will only pay dues for January through December 2025 but its membership will officially begin in November 2024).

© 2024 United Philanthropy Forum. All Rights Reserved.


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