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Drupal 7 Integration Troubleshooting Demo

October 2021

Courtney and Val from the Forum walk KM Partners through common troubleshooting scenarios such as: why someone can't register, why someone isn't seeing member pricing, and why someone isn't appearing in the member directory.

United Philanthropy Forum

Responding to COVID-19: Public Policy Resources

April 2020

As the coronavirus continues to spread in the country, organizations have actively created resources to address the impact of the virus. We've collected how organizations are responding with resources and programming that aims to provide insight during this time.

Nonprofit Community COVID-19 Stimulus Letter

March 2020

On March 18, 2020, the Forum signed on to a second letter that asks Congress to provide an infusion of $60 billion in capital to America’s charitable nonprofits to maintain operations, expand scope to address increasing demands, and stabilize losses from closures throughout the country. 

Letter to Congress - Include Nonprofits in Coronavirus Package

March 2020

On March 12, 2020, the Forum signed on to a letter to Congressional offices outlining why nonprofits must be included in COVID-19 stimulus package legislation. This letter highlighted practical policy examples and solutions for Members of Congress to think about when drafting legislation. On March 14, 2020, the House passed H.R. 6201 that ensured that nonprofits can use a tax credit to offer paid leave for their employees-one of the requests in the letter. 

California DAF Legislation

January 2020

Earlier this month, the Forum submitted a letter to the California General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee in opposition to Assembly Bill 1712. This bill would require the Attorney General to develop reporting regulations related to donor-advised funds (DAFs) at an account-by-account level, departing from the current practice, already in place. The fund-by-fund disclosure required by the bill would likely lead to the disclosure of donor identify and/or private donor information.

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