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Membership Reports and Dashboards in Salesforce Demo

April 2024

During Office Hours on April 3, 2024 we explored Salesforce Reports and Dashboards with Craig Weinrich, Director of Member Services at the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers and Michael Zuber-Zander, Operations Manager at Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. 

Forum Member

Using for Salesforce Demo

March 2024

During Office Hours on 3/6/24, we explored using with Salesforce with Kim Snipes, Director of Knowledge Services at the Forum.  

Using Email Templates and Template Builder in Salesforce

November 2023

This is a recording of presentations from the KM Collaborative's November 1, 2023 Office Hours: Using Email Templates and Template Builder to Send Email in Salesforce.

United Philanthropy Forum

KM Collaborative: Budget Template

October 2023

Please use this template as an annual KM budgeting guide and adjust it accordingly for your organization. It is meant to be used alongside your organization's annual budget, including your PSO's annual Forum membership dues. Forum membership is intentionally not part of this template since membership dues do not include KM annual fees and related expenses. Your organization may want to depreciate some of the costs related to your KM work. Please consult your finance/accounting team about how to edit this template to align with your internal accounting process and best practices. 

United Philanthropy Forum

KM Collaborative: Partner Guide

October 2023

United Philanthropy Forum (Forum) has cultivated a network of national and regional philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) to jointly develop technology, share costs, and leverage each other’s knowledge and capabilities. Through the KM Collaborative (aka Drupal-Salesforce Platform or technology platform), PSOs have reached unprecedented levels of collaboration, pooling resources to create software platforms for association management and content management, developing peer-learning networks, a shared Knowledgebase, and lifting common standards. 

United Philanthropy Forum

KM Collaborative: Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)

October 2023

United Philanthropy Forum (Forum) has cultivated a network of national and regional philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) to jointly develop technology, share costs, and leverage each other’s knowledge and capabilities. Through the Knowledge Management (KM) Collaborative, PSOs have reached unprecedented levels of collaboration, pooling resources to create software platforms for association management and content management, developing peer-learning networks, and lifting common standards. 

United Philanthropy Forum

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