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Building Formulas in Salesforce Demo

June 2024

This is a recording of the Knowledge Management (KM) Collaborative's June 12, 2024 Office Hours about building formulas in Salesforce.

Exploring The New Forum Website for KM Partners

May 2024

Recordings of KM Office Hours on 5/1/24 and 5/15/24 where we explored the new Forum Drupal 10 website, the development process and features and functionality in the KM Collaborative's Drupal Distribution. 

KM Office Hours Collaborative Notes

April 2024

Links to our Collaborative notes from the weekly office hour call for the KM Collaborative.

United Philanthropy Forum

Getting Ready for Drupal 10 Guide

April 2024

Rebuilding a website takes substantial planning, execution, and staff time. This document includes the key areas of information for preparing, designing, implementing and launching your Drupal website as a member of the KM Collaborative. Thank you to the three KM Partners who served as pilots for our new collective Drupal distribution: SoCal Grantmakers, Council of Michigan Foundations, and Philanthropy Ohio! This guide draws on their strategy, expertise, and experience.

United Philanthropy Forum

Membership Reports and Dashboards in Salesforce Demo

April 2024

During Office Hours on April 3, 2024 we explored Salesforce Reports and Dashboards with Craig Weinrich, Director of Member Services at the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers and Michael Zuber-Zander, Operations Manager at Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. 

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