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Knowledge Management: A Growing Community of Learning

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
2:00PM - 3:00PM EDT
Registration for this event is now closed. If available, the recording and/or resources will be added to this page within a week of the event.

All Forum members, regardless of job function, are welcome to join this member-led discussion. Our goal is to share member experiences in building a learning community, not to recruit members to the Knowledge Management (KM) Collaborative.

Join us to learn from our incredible panel of Forum members about how we cultivated a knowledge exchange and learning community with the KM Collaborative. If you’re planning to build a similar community with your members or want to hear your colleagues’ experience being part of one, this session is for you!

The KM Collaborative is one of the four pillars of the Forum’s work. It is both a transformational technology platform and an invaluable community of practice. Nearly 40 philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) have joined forces to create, maintain and continually improve our shared technology platform powered by Salesforce and Drupal. How are they benefiting from participating in the KM Collaborative? What professional development opportunities are in this peer learning community? Please join us to hear answers to these and more.


  • Kristen Ruff, Senior Vice President, Philanthropy New York
  • Pat Smith, CEO, The Funders Network
  • Craig Weinrich, Director of Member Services, Council of New Jersey Grantmakers
  • Stacey Wilson, Manager of Technology and CRM Administrator, Philanthropy Ohio


This video is restricted to United Philanthropy Forum members - please log in to access it. Closed captioning on this video is available in English. To turn on captioning, please mouse over the video player and click on the "CC" icon. Select "English (auto-generated) CC" (screenshot available).

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